Why More And More People Are Switching To Aluminium Frames On Their Windows

23 November 2021
 Categories: , Blog

For a long time, wooden frames were far and away the most popular on windows across most of the world. Wood was a cheap resource to gather and could be moulded very easily to whatever shape you needed. However, with modern manufacturing as it is now, this has largely shifted, and now more processed materials that are better at doing the same job as wood are more prevalent. No material is quite as apt or useful as a frame for glass windows as aluminium. Read More 

Reasons To Replace Cracked Window Glass

29 July 2021
 Categories: , Blog

There are reasons your home has windows. One is to allow light, and another is to allow fresh air to flow in and out of your house. Additionally, windows beautify your home, which is why you cannot ignore cracked window glass. Often, the only way to repair cracks on the window glass is by replacing the glass. Some people resort to sealing the crack with tape. However, that is only a temporary solution. Read More 

Windscreen Replacement Care Tips

12 April 2021
 Categories: , Blog

A crack on your windscreen is enough to render your vehicle unroadworthy. Driving such a car is dangerous to you, pedestrians, and other motorists. Therefore, you should replace a cracked windscreen as soon as possible to prevent fines and avoidable accidents. Notably, you should take good care of a replacement windscreen to avoid unnecessary expenses in the future. Sadly, most motorists do not know how to handle windscreen replacement, especially first-time car owners. Read More